
Zucchini Bread With Chocolate Chips

The first time I tried a slice of zucchini bread with chocolate chips, I knew it would become a treasured recipe in my collection. Its delicious flavor and wholesome ingredients make it my favorite among zucchini bread recipes.

Zucchini Bread with chocolate chips

A balance of sweet and savory is what makes this zucchini bread so unique. The addition of zucchini creates a moist, tender crumb, while the melty chocolate chips make it taste like a decadent treat. The flavor can be addictive, yet have no shame reaching for a second slice—it’s full of nutrition!

What is not to like about a chocolatey bread that is good for you? The zucchini counts toward a serving of vegetables and is rich in cholesterol-lowering fiber plus protein and essential nutrients like potassium, vitamin C and calcium.

For an even heartier snack, try adding whole wheat flour to the recipe for even more fiber and nutrients. Start by subbing only about 50% of the required flour with whole wheat to see if it suits your taste.

Also, for a fun twist on the classic loaf, you can use this chocolate chip zucchini bread recipe to make muffins for quick, portable snacks.

zucchini bread with chocolate chips in a loaf pan

What to serve with chocolate zucchini bread

With its quick prep time and irresistible taste, this recipe is a great choice for just about any occasion–a breakfast treat, mid-afternoon pick-me-up, or after-dinner dessert. There are many ways to dress it up and perfect pairings of complementary flavors.

Add a creamy, tangy cream cheese spread on top, which balances the sweetness of the bread and richness of the chocolate.

A vibrant fresh fruit salad brings a bright contrast to the warm, luscious bread. I pair it with tart berries, crisp apples, and juicy melons. Not only do the flavors work well together, but the colors do, too.

For a cold, creamy companion, add a scoop of your favorite ice cream. With this bread, it’s vanilla bean for me. A simple flavor of cool cream with this flavorful, warm bread is just right!

And these kinds of breads always go perfectly with warm beverages. It’s comfort on top of comfort to add a cup of steaming coffee, tea or hot cocoa alongside a slice of this yummy bread.

Make the best chocolate chip zucchini bread recipe with these ingredients

Check your pantry and craft your shopping list! Here are all the ingredients you’ll need to make this delicious bread.

  • Flour, Baking Powder & Baking Soda: The flour mixture of dry ingredients does its thing as usual here. Structure and bulk come from the all-purpose flour while the baking soda and powder give the gift of lift.
  • Cinnamon: A smidge of cinnamon pumps up the aroma and adds a subtle bit of warm spice.
  • Salt: Salt counters the sweetness for flavor balance.
  • Sugar: Less than a cup of granulated sugar brings just enough sweetness to this bread.
  • Butter: Brings rich flavor, golden color and moist crumbs.
  • Egg: This recipe calls for only one egg for binding and enhancing texture.
  • Vanilla Extract: This extract adds warmth to the flavor and a delicious smell.
  • Zucchini: You will need about two medium-sized zucchini, which add about five grams of protein, together.
  • Chocolate Chips: Choose your favorite between milk chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips or semi-sweet chocolate chips. I am usually right down the middle, using semi-sweet for their slightly higher melting temperature and moderate sweetness.
  • Walnuts (optional): Completely up to whether you like nuts and aren’t allergic! I almost always add chopped walnuts to this loaf and banana bread to add a slight crunch to the texture.
zucchini bread ingredients

Be sure to check out the full ingredient measurements and complete recipe below.

Kitchen equipment needed:

  1. 9 x 5 loaf pan
  2. Vegetable peeler
  3. Spatula
  4. Mixing bowls 
  5. Parchment paper 

Frequently asked questions about chocolate zucchini bread

Below are a handful of the most popular questions that come up about making this zucchini bread. If you have other questions I haven’t answered here, please leave them in the comments, and I will reply as soon as I can!

Do you squeeze out the liquid from zucchini for bread?

Yes. After you use a box grater to shred the zucchini, use a towel to squeeze out excess moisture. This is a crucial step in preparing zucchini bread because it prevents the loaf from becoming too dense or soggy and lets the flavors shine through.

How do you keep zucchini bread from sinking in the middle?

Place your loaf pan on a wire rack for even cooking, and rotate it halfway through the total time for baking. To avoid sinking in the middle, ensure the bread is adequately baked by testing it with a toothpick. If the toothpick comes out clean, it’s time to remove the bread from the oven.

What do you do if the loaf is browning too quickly?

If your loaf is browning too quickly, tent it loosely with aluminum foil to slow the browning process. This will allow the bread to continue cooking and achieve the perfect golden top you want.

How do you store zucchini bread with chocolate chips?

Once your loaf cools to room temperature, store it on the counter wrapped in plastic wrap or in an airtight container to preserve freshness.

chocolate chip zucchini bread

More Grandma-Approved Recipes To Try

If you enjoyed this recipe for zucchini bread with chocolate chips, take a look at some of these other yummy recipes:

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zucchini bread with chocolate chips

Zucchini Bread with Chocolate Chips

The first time I tried a slice of zucchini bread with chocolate chips, I knew it would become a treasured recipe in my collection. Its delicious flavor and wholesome ingredients make it my favorite among zucchini bread recipes.
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Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: baked goods, breads and muffins, breakfast, chocolate
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 50 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Servings: 8 servings
Author: Laura


  • 9 x 5 loaf pan
  • Vegetable peeler
  • Spatula
  • Mixing bowls 
  • parchment paper


  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter melted
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups zucchini peeled and shredded (about 2 medium zucchinis)
  • 1 cup chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup walnuts optional


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  • Spray a 9×5-inch loaf pan with nonstick cooking spray and line it with parchment paper coming up over the top of the sides. Spray again and set aside.
  • In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together melted butter, sugar, egg and vanilla extract. Using a spatula, add the shredded zucchini just until combined.
  • Pour the wet mixture into the dry mixture and mix until just combined. Fold in the chocolate chips and walnuts, if using.
  • Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Smooth the top and then sprinkle with more chocolate chips.
  • Bake for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted in the center and comes out mostly clean. If your loaf seems to be browning too quickly, cover it loosely with foil.

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